"Come with me and my furry pet on a magical story adventure"
Who we are
From first meeting while singing in a pop choir, little did we know we would also share a passion in creating stories!
As I grew older I found that I was interested the sciences as well as art and history. Studying Architecture was a great way to marry all my favourite subjects and be creative.
Background to the books
Oxibaby comes home
A coffee and baking gingerbread men afternoon between two friends can lead to many wonderful things! In our case, a discussion unfolded about babies on oxygen and why not show this off in a positive way! Why not create a character of a superhero baby on oxygen!
Oxibaby would be his name and he would be tasked in the first story to overcome the vicious fox, and save his home baked ginger bread men. This is much to the joy of his fellow furry friend Molly the dog!
Book 2
Oxibaby at the seaside coming soon.