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Who we are

Who we are

From first meeting while singing in a pop choir, little did we know we would also share a passion in creating stories!

As I grew older I found that I was interested the sciences as well as art and history.  Studying Architecture was a great way to marry all my favourite subjects and be creative. 

Kavita Sedov



I am a mother to three wonderful sons and a beautiful golden retriever. – my furry daughter. Following the premature birth of my youngest son my eyes were truly opened to another world! He is my greatest teacher. Full of bravery and strength. He inspired me not just to write books but since his birth I have been writing and sharing my poetry.

It has been wonderful to see a book idea over a coffee with Nutun, who I met when I joined a local pop choir,  fruition into a book about a superhero baby on oxygen! For many parents like me bringing home a baby on oxygen can be daunting. The questions and stares, which no doubt I too would have done in their position. So to write a story full of positivity despite a medical challenge for the baby has been an honour to do with Nutun.

Not only has my son inspired my writing, but he stemmed some research skills in me which led me to discover the Anat Baniel Method which my son follows. I am now a Director of Creating Connections Ltd which was set up to bring more of this work to families within the UK with children of varying disabilities.

I look forward to creating more stories full of joy and adventure for young people to read about and books that I would one day like to sign in Makaton which I am currently learning.

Nutun Huq



I am an architect, artist, part-time radio presenter and film extra. I am also the mother of 2 grown up boys. Since they were tiny I have made up stories and drawn cartoons for them. My oldest used to be my Aquababy in the bath.  I roughly based the Oxibaby illustrations on my earlier sketches.

I have been drawing and painting ever since I can remember.  My first drawing was of a lady pushing a shopping trolley, I was 2 and a half but my mother refused to believe I had drawn it and I got told off for lying. Once I got a taste for drawing I couldn't be stopped. 

As I grew older I found that I was interested the sciences as well as art and history.  Studying Architecture was a great way to marry all my favourite subjects and be creative. 


I have been very excited to collaborate with Kavita and produce the illustrations for Oxibaby.  I look forward to working together on further projects in the future.

Background to the books

Oxibaby comes home


A coffee and baking gingerbread men afternoon between two friends can lead to many wonderful things! In our case, a discussion unfolded about babies on oxygen and why not show this off in a positive way! Why not create a character of a superhero baby on oxygen!

Oxibaby would be his name and he would be tasked in the first story to overcome the vicious fox, and save his home baked ginger bread men. This is much to the joy of his fellow furry friend Molly the dog!

Book 2


Oxibaby at the seaside coming soon.

Background to the Books

Meet the Characters

Meet the Characters
Book Reviews

What People Say

Shelina Mitha Msc BSc (Hons) MHCPC MRCSLT

Highly specialist Speech and Language Therapist

This is a lovely idea of helping children to understand about medical needs of children and therefore so valuable for the affected children themselves. The language is simple, but allows for learning new and interesting words, not least being imaginative and creating new words such as ‘Oxibaby’. The pictures are delightful and engages the imagination of the young reader. Also, the text helping to understand the concept of colours and promote independent reading of the words is very satisfying to early readers.

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Kavita Sedov /  Tel. +447816 775 518

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Nutun Huq  /  Tel. +44 7950 669559

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